Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Holiday traveling always sucks. Took off at 1am last night from Sea-Tac airport en route to minneapolis in the worst possible seat: 48B---the last row on a fully booked flight, middle seat. Yeah, the seats that don't recline? That seat. ugh. Suffice it to say, I didn't get much sleep. Arrived in minneapolis at 6am CST and wandered around for a bit. Forgot how many retail shops are in that airport. Really wanted an eggnog latte but the line for starbucks was horrendous at that hour. Attempted to check into work, but the WiFi at the airport costs $6.95 for a session. Forget that. Finally boarded my flight to Kansas City which was great--Seat 7A. Slept the entire way and woke up 5 minutes before landing and looked out at my window to see a completely white Kansas landscape. What a shocker--there wasn't even snow in Minnesota. Turned out that 8 inches of snow had fallen overnight and the airport had temporarily closed in the morning. I fortunately was arriving after they had time to clear the runway.

Now I'm in Lawrence--slept all day to make up for lost sleep, did some work and then headed out to Longhorn Steakhouse with my parents and the Wongs. My house is so different than the last time I was here. My room has been remodeled, the kitchen looks completely different, it's just strange. Time to watch a movie! It's good to be home.

Betina posted a number of things she's thankful for this year. I'd like to do the same:

+ I'd like to give thanks for my brother's success---I've always known him to be an amazing artist and he got into a wonderful grad school this year.

+ I'd like to give thanks for my parent's happiness--they were able to finally retire this year and I've seen them happier than ever. This year, they were able to celebrate their wedding anniversary together by going to Mexico--this was the first time they've been able to take a trip on their anniversary in more than 20 years.

+ I'd like to give thanks for my friends in Seattle--I've grown closer to a lot of people and have also fallen into a very comfortable set of friends. Each day, I meet more people and am thankful to have them in my life.

+ I'd like to give thanks for all the weddings--I've had a lot of friends get married this year and I couldn't be more happy for them. It was an incredible experience to share--I'm elated that such dear friends have found tender love.

+ I'd like to give thanks for home--I'm in a condo of my dreams and feel incredibly blessed to have this be my home.

+ I'd like to give thanks for Misha, my cat. It's the best feeling in the world to come home to someone that's been waiting all day for you to return.

+ I'd like to give thanks for my health, which has been much better this year. I feel more alive.

+ Lastly, I'd like to give thanks for having a special someone enter my life recently, one that I hope sticks around for a long time :-)

Happy Turkey Day everyone!

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