Monday, December 30, 2002

I decided to join a little tour of Amsterdam and am back now. I guess there are enough people that have lengthy layovers in this airport that they've made a business of giving "between flight tours" of the city. It was a basic bus tour of the main downtown plus a visit to a CHEESE farm. Nothing terribly exciting (as I've been to Amsterdam before)...but it definitely helped me pass time here quickly. Eager to get over to Paris and take a shower. I'm just praying that my luggage is all safe and sound---Northwest/KLM is notorious for losing my luggage...additionally, I was bad and checked in a bit late in Seattle (blame my jet lag from Hong Kong)--so my luggage is labeled as a "late check" and I got an official warning that it might not have made my flight. [sigh] I'll just have to wait and see what happens when I get to Paris...

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