Friday, June 22, 2001

it can be so tragic to meet someone so incredibly wonderful but then realize that time and life events are not on your side. but then, to actually know them and have met them and to have them in your life can be all worth it...i hope.

i had a great night tonight. jon convinced me to start taking salsa lessons with him so we headed over to century ballroom this evening for our first salsa class...which was fairly advanced in my opinion for the very first class in a beginner salsa class. but it was tons of fun. afterwards, he and i caught up over dinner at la spiga and then he dropped me back off at the ballroom where i met up with felix for the salsa dance that's held almost every thursday night. it was just so great to see all the salsa dancers...such a free, liberating and articulate dance...yet, people just flow and it looks so smooth and elegant. felix has improved so much since the last time i ever danced with him (which was like early last fall)...i had a really great time and had forgotten how much i love to salsa dance. i think i may actually benefit from these classes for my technique isn't very solid...i've got the hip thing down but i think once i understand and master turns and take note of the leader's slight movement of the wrist, i'll be much better. i'm excited to be taking up salsa again.

the past couple of days have been absolutely beautiful, sunny and warm here in seattle. oh, i have enjoyed the weather.

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