Thursday, February 1, 2001

ick...what a hard week it's been in the company. there were really huge layoffs on tuesday--15% of the company. i had a few friends that were let sad. the overall mood is fairly somber, especially within editorial. some friends question the integrity and soul of this company. i don't know what to think. i feel like this is definitely a good move..and if we hadn't done it, i don't know how we'd survive in the eyes of the investors this next year. at the same time, could we have accomplished our goals without the layoffs? this is a much bigger hit than last year's which was only 2%. fortunately, i don't think anyone in web dev was affected.

other than that, the week has just flown by...working pretty long hours trying to get my project done..we're supposed to hit beta tomorrow. for the most part, i feel good about it all.

i caught temptation island for the last 10 minutes for the first time last night...what a disgusting show. can you imagine being one of the single people? and being paid to literally be meat?

yay--phoebe is back in town!

i didn't make it to the gym this morning..[sigh] but i went on monday, tuesday and wednesday..pretty good for me. i've decided to try to make my tuesday and thursdays a morning gym routine. gotta get in shape to go to puerto rico with linda!

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