Sunday, November 26, 2000

i just noticed how every time i come home to kansas, i stay out really late. no wonder my parents think i'm such a party animal.

i saw Unbreakable Friday night with my matt mcguire---I was a little disappointed. Not the hype that I expected it to be. I mean, there was a cool twist at the end and all, but I just didn't really get into the comic book analogy. I can honestly say I enjoyed The Sixth Day more than Unbreakable. Is that bad?

I shopped all day today...well, started off with the usual dim sum at Bo Ling's at the Plaza with the Wongs. Then met up with Sara...ran into some random high school people---Jason Schweitzer and Mike McGuire. Then Sara and I waited 2 hours to get a table at the Canyon Cafe to eat dinner....eventually, we finished and headed over to Jed's place for us to see for the first time. Emily was there with her "shady" friend Carlos (bad pun) as was Joanne [Bjorge] and her husband. We went into Westport tonight---this was my first time...pretty hopping. We were there late...though I was one of the first to leave cuz' I just wanted to crawl into bed. But it was a lot of fun to see the whole crew and hear about people.

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