Friday, November 24, 2000

happy turkey day.

oh how nice it was to wake up this morning and slowly crawl out of find a nice, warm lunch all prepared for me already. i spent most of the day preparing for the dinner..and making some phone calls to long lost friends in between. my thanksgiving is unlike the typical thanksgiving. it's like "let's invite all the chinese people we know in kansas (2 families) and eat chinese food...and throw in a bit of turkey." I was actually surprised this year--we had mashed potatoes. We never have mashed potatoes. Anyhow, I prepared the salad and pumpkin pie...which turned out really well (yay!). The Wongs came over and I had time to catch up with Rod. What an ambitious guy---I hope to have such confidence in myself in the future. He's in his second year at med school right now...and plans on getting his MBA in the midst of it...and when he gets that, he'll finish getting his MD. At which point, he can just do health consulting for a few years and probably retire before he's 35.

Rod and I went to see "The Sixth Day" tonight---it's actually a much better movie than I expected. There were a lot of revelations about what our future lives could be like---really cool. The twist on human cloning was done well and just overall scenery was great. In the end, it's kinda scary to think about where we could go with our technology. Go out and watch it. see what you think.

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