Thursday, April 13, 2006

Finalists of American Inventor

Well, I sat through the grueling 2 hours of American Inventor tonight, hoping to see some more good airtime of Aaron---instead, I just saw more and more of the inventions we've already seen, like those edible snowglobes and the wig lady. What I also did see was a lot of Aaron sitting dead center in the middle of the whole group of the top 50. Hour 1 ends----Aaron makes it into the top 24. Yay! Okay, onto the 9pm show. Surely, in the next full hour with the top 24, I'll see more of Aaron. Near the beginning, there are some quick frames of him with the group of contestants. Ooo--I think he's wearing the sweater that I bought him for Christmas (here comes the awww...big-sister-is-proud moment) I wait and wait and wait...and I just see the same damn contestants over and over again. All right, I get it--it's a bike for someone to ride in the front. The hour's almost up and they go through and deliver the good or bad news. Wait, where's Aaron? They end up showing only 19 of the final 24. Come on. Seriously. If people make it to the top 24 out of thousands of people that auditioned, at least have the decendency to give them some airtime so we can see if they make it or not. Sadly, in the final bit, they run through the final 12 and Aaron isn't there. Bummer. He should've gotten more airtime. And he definitely had a better invention than some of the people in the top 12---everyone needs an alarm clock. I don't get the Nia doll. The barbell lock system thing sounds like something that's been done already. Argh. Aaron just wasn't the type to give the whole "I sold my kidney, spent $100,000 and am living out of my car" sort of sob story like the rest of the final 12. Guess that's what makes good TV. Oh well. I still think Aaron's clock was a much better invention---either way, great job lil' bro. It's still pretty freakin' awesome that you even made it into the TOP 24 for American Inventor!


  1. I agree. Rather than spending all that stupid time going through weird lame inventions, they should have spent the time on all 50. I hate this show but can't stop watching.


  2. Well, I was going to make an effort to watch somebody's tivo'd copy of the show but it sounds like it's not worth it. Bummer. Congrats to Aaron though. That's awesome he made it as far as he did.
