Monday, January 17, 2005

vas deferens

I was so traumatized last week when I went for my weekly volunteer tutoring. As usual, I asked my 7th grade student "Do you have any homework?". She responded "oh, I have some science homework...I think I'm supposed to do this in class...but I do need help." She then proceeded to whip out a piece of paper with two anatomical drawings of a woman and man's reproductive organs with a list of various terms listed at the top. Her homework was to match the terms to the appropriate part of the body. Wooooo boy. Oh man. I didn't see that coming whatsoever. I took a deep breath and had to take myself back to junior high. Glancing at the list of terms, I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to goof things up and see if I knew all the terms....up until I reached one that I didn't know. I knew it was a boy part...but had no clue what it did: vas deferens. Totally embarrassed, I excused myself and thought the quickest way for me to figure this out would be to ask another male tutor. I went over to Kyle, explained the situation, pointed at the term and said "Do you know where this is exactly?". The best part----his response was: ", not really sure...but I think I have it right?" Man, the rest of my tutoring session was hysterical as I had to talk about everything from what happens during a girl's period to explaining who makes eggs (given the analogy of a hen & rooster, my student thought the rooster made the eggs and stuck it in the hen). I have a greater appreciation now for the teachers I had in the past that had to teach sex ed.

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