Thursday, January 11, 2001

My entries are getting spaced out by week now...I'm so lame in keeping this thing up-to-date. Anyhow, I'm sitting at work now, totally frustrated. I just realized something really horrible about this huge project that I'm working on...and...i'm scared. Well, it's not that bad in terms of what I need to do to's just so like "ERGH". Work is starting to get hard now. I'm transitioning between two groups...and it's hard finding time to still be doing all the work I want to do for both. I've got meetings still with both and it's just double duty. I've had a ridiculous amount of meetings this week alone.

I had a really long 3 hour phone conversation with someone way in my past....wil. I know he's reading this so I should be careful with what I say (ha ha). Wow, I haven't said that name in awhile. It was good...talking to him. It's amazing how much people change...the decisions they make---so different from what you'd perceive. I never thought I'd say it, but I think I might be able to talk to him again. Of course, he's still in Germany...but I don't know..we'll see.

I'm going to Whistler tomorrow!!!! Yay!!! I love that place. It's going to be huge group of people too---17 in total...all crammed up together. Hopefully, it'll be fun and not a headache of coordination...I'm sure it'll be a blast. I'm going to ski one day and snowboard the other...I still can't decide what I like better.

Hung out with Matthew again last night..making dinner and then seeing "Proof of Life" (which was, eh, okay). Felt bad because there was a big group of people that saw Maktub at Sit&Spin...but I just really needed to hang out with Matthew and prove to him that we could have a good time together without any sort of emotional rollercoaster running. It's so weird staying such good friends with someone you've dated for so long....especially when they begin dating again and blatantly let you know a little more than you probably really want to know. But I don't want him to hold back. It's just a little awkward...but hopefully for not much longer.

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