Sunday, November 26, 2006

Our Thanskgiving weekend

Overall, nice and relaxing Vegas Thanksgiving holiday. Matt and I took off Wednesday afternoon to Vegas to visit my parents. Shortly after arriving, we got some Chinese for dinner and checked out the Red Rock Casino (where Betina & Justin are getting married next year) since it's rather close to my parent's house. By evening, my brother along with my 2 uncles' families had all arrived. One of the more amusing experiences from this weekend was the new karaoke system my dad had bought, already filled with hundreds of English, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese songs. Everyone was belting away including my 80-something year old grandparents, singing some sort of old Chinese song. My dad even convinced Mrs. Chan (Betina's mother) to sing along when she came over for Thanksgiving dinner! I got a lot of great video!

Also--Matt, Aaron and I finally learned to play craps this weekend. We got rather addicted and pretty much only played this game the whole time.

Friday night, I took Matt to check out the Beatles' LOVE show with Cirque du Soleil at the Mirage Hotel. Man, it was a fantastic show. 2 hours of Beatles music and the imagery associated with it, care of the wonderful dancers and acrobats of Cirque. Highly recommend checking this out if you're in Vegas, especially if you're a Beatles fan.

B-List Celebrity Sightings: if you ever watched Hell's Kitchen, then you'd remember that the winner, Heather West, got her own restaurant at the Red Rock Casino. Since we were there, we wanted to check out her restaurant, Terra Rossa. It was closed but as we peered inside, we saw Heather herself prepping for the Saturday night dinner crowd. She turned around and waved to us. Ha! And earlier while at Red Rock, while playing craps, we saw Garrett walking by. Fun stuff.

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