Friday, October 21, 2005

Blog template updated

Okay, I decided to geek out on a Friday night while Matt's home sick in his apartment. (Man, everyone's getting sick right now--I'm praying I stay healthy and don't revisit my Halloween cold like I did last year--that was a bitch to be sick at my party) I don't get a chance to just sit down and geek out as much as I used to. I completely revamped the blog site so that it matches the new design I've created. Had to mess around with the stylesheets again to attain things like the cutesy dotted line separating each post. I've also moved the archive links on this page so it's not on a separate page--unfortunately, Blogger doesn't have a good way of importing posts from other blog sites, so my super old posts (from 2000 and 2001) are still to pitas. Tee hee---well, you can see what v1.0 of moohaha was back then. So silly. I also added 2 subscription graphics--one for Bloglines since that's what I use as my feed aggregator and one for Feedburner which I hear is pretty darn awesome. We'll see. Lastly, I turned off my Haloscan comments and just switched to the one that Blogger uses. That just means that all my old comments get lost...but...well, there weren't that many comments to begin with. [sigh] What a productive Friday evening at home by myself. Now, to get to picking up the clothes off my floor and thinking about prepping for that big Halloween party in a week...right....


  1. I'm pretty happy that I did not get back to your "movie request" until too late on Friday now. Look how productive you were! The only thing that sucks just a little bit is that I was a couple hundred yards away from your place with a bunch of fun people. We would have loved to have had you join us...

  2. Well, you should've called me to join y'all!
