Wednesday, October 9, 2002

my manager made me take the day off today to nurse myself back to health . it's been fabulous as i've had the time to do some organizing and clean up at home..and to read up on magazines that have been piling up. i wish this cough would just go away.

this last weekend was a major dose of indian culture for me. on saturday, i joined jigna for this charity event to learn the Dandiya dance. i got to dress up in a beautiful outfit and danced among hundreds of others with sticks. sunday evening, i went to benaroya to see ravi shankar and his daughter, anoushka, perform. it was a beautiful performance..and amazing to see ravi, at the ripe age of 82, still performing.

last night, emily invited me out to see Blast!, a new "musical" that is often referred to as the American "Stomp". Imagine a marching band turned into a musical..and you get Blast!. I really enjoyed the incredible talent of the percussionists in the show (although I had tunnel hearing after the show). It got me thinking about how musicals have evolved into this new genre of musicals. When I think "musical", immediately I think of shows like Sound of Music, Miss Saigon, and The Music Man. Blast! and Stomp bring on a new form comprised simply of movements rather than an entire story with music woven into the dialogue. Thus, are they really musicals? Should they be in a category of their own?

today is gina's birthday--happy birthday sweetie! and linda's was last week--happy belated! i'll call soon!

just found a fun website---> where, as the url suggests, readers can post mistakes they find in how kate winslet's mole moves from one side of her face to the other in titanic. i love reading stuff like that.

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