Thursday, September 2, 2004

I got back from an amazing few days last weekend at Jigna & Matt's Wedding in Portland, my first ever Indian wedding (though, from what I'm told, it was a rather toned down wedding compared to your average day-long Indian wedding ceremony). We all woke up early on Saturday, getting dressed in our colorful saris and kurtas, placing bindis in our foreheads and shimmer on our arms. We arrived at the country club to a perfectly gorgeous day for a wedding--the sun was out, everyone was smiling. As friends arrived, we all gasped at how cool everyone's outfit was...I'm so happy that we all decided to get dressed up in Indian dress for this event. Saris and kurtas are so incredibly comfortable...yet anyone looks awesome in these clothes. The ceremony began and then we all saw Matt and his brothers..and soon after, a stunning Jigna. She couldn't be any more beautiful that was perfect. You could tell how incredibly happy she was inside to finally be marrying Matt (they've been engaged for about 4 years) and to have her entire family (flying in from Mauritius and London) there to share that moment with her. The event, from start to finish, was so fun as so many of our Seattle friends were there. We all celebrated afterwards, going out to dinner and finishing the night dancing to Bollywood fusion hip-hop at a local club called Fez with all of Jigna's cousins, brother and Matt's brother & cousin. Congratulations Matt & Jigna! It was a really beautiful wedding and an extremely fun weekend.

I hired a housecleaner to come once a month just to check it out. This morning, Jonathan came over and started cleaning..really nice guy. I came home to a really clean home--loved it! I've learned from talking to friends that more and more of them grew up with a housecleaner...and lots of them actually have current housecleaners. I never realized that! Do you have regular housecleaning?

I've also decided to be insane and get in shape by joining the X Gym, which several friends of mine have raved about (Eric, Nadine, Tim..) It was either that or going to a personal trainer at my regular gym, but I figured I'd probably end up spending about the same amount of money..although XGym is probably better. This is going to really whoop my ass into shape. Let's see about it..first appointment is tomorrow and I'm already scared...

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