Monday, March 22, 2004

wow, i can't believe it---kentucky and stanford are already out of the tournament. well, lucky for kansas--that increases our chances of getting into the final four. i don't know much about, i don't know much about the new coach for ku. this year's tournament has started off all funky. cross 'dem fingers....

after months and months and months of persuasion from friends, i finally caved in and bought a TIVO series2 DVR. ha ha. i have nothing against tivo and think it's the coolest's just the idea of throwing more $$$ towards my tv viewing habits. [sigh] i must say, it's been pretty cool so more scrambling around trying to find a blank tape to tape something. plus, since i got the series 2, i got the home media option so that i can program shows from the tivo website at work...i don't even have to physically be at home to remember to record something. pretty cool. also, it'll be cool to get music from my computer playing through the tivo..and hence, my stereo system downstairs. ah, but now i've got to get a wireless router and everything...still haven't quite gotten that "home network" set up quite yet. it's funny how i lived off of dial-up up until a few months ago. as gadgety of a girl i like to think i am, i'm pretty old school in other ways.

been productive in the furniture shopping department too--over the weekend, i finally got a futon for my guest bedroom so that, well, guests have a place to sleep....and a new dining table--my current one is too small. yay!

over the weekend, brendan invited me to his friend simon's loft party---turns out it's the exact same loft that my friend, scott, lived in for years. wow--i have so many memories of the crazy parties that scott threw there. i was walking down memory lane just being there. what's funny is that the mural that eugene painted for the miami vice party is still there...and the paper skeleton & fake cobwebs i put up right outside the door for scott's last halloween party are also still there.

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