Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Damn, it's been a long time since I've written in here. And so much has happened: We've had a war, I witnessed a friend getting shot in Iraq on Fox News, my project slipped by a month, I got a paycut, then got a payraise so that I would make as much as I did last year, got food poisoning from one of my favorite Malaysian restaurants, flew home to surprise mom for Mother's Day, discovered that I'm taking salsa classes with one of the conductors of the Seattle Symphony, Kansas lost to Syracuse at the National Championships (boo hoo), a tornado hit my hometown for the first time in over 20 years, found out a childhood friend is now engaged (congratulations Becky), exercised my stock options for the first time...the list goes on. It's been a busy month...mainly because of work. Most of my friends (especially Phoebe) have wondered what has happened to me. I'm really trying to get that work/life balance going right so that I don't go crazy. It was pretty bad last month.

I'm not sure why I'm up right now. It's late. I'm just thinking a bunch. Specifically, I've been thinking a lot about the relationship I'm in and the happiness it sometimes brings me. I know something's there when, no matter how angry I can get with him, it all goes away when I hear his kind, gentle voice again. It's just hard. Relationships are hard.

I'm also at that weird point when I'm thinking about what I want to do with my life. See, my lease is up in a few months...and I'm once again debating whether or not to buy a condo. Naturally, in contemplating such a major move, I've been thinking about how much longer I want to be at Amazon..and in Seattle...and how happy I am in my job. It's no doubt a very challenging job...and that is the main reason why I've stayed here. But I've no idea what it is like elsewhere....or what it would be like to just do something totally different....like arts management or setting up my own small business---two things I talk about often.

I need to sleep.

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