Tuesday, March 6, 2007

i'm still here

hot damn. it's been a really long time since i've blogged. I mean, there was the random blog post from my dot but that was testing out one of Blue Dot's features as I'd probably blog more often if I converted some of my dots into blog posts. I mentioned this feature sitting at the Pyramid Brewery one summer with some of the Blue Dot folks...and now they've finally launched the ability to do this--woo hoo.

anyhoo--let me do some quick updating on totally random stuff that you wouldn't care about unless you really knew me. um....

So yes, still wedding planning. Working out invitations now and it's all little stuff from here on out. As of tomorrow, it'll be exactly 4 months before we get married--eeks! I'm actually way more stressed out now than I have been for the last 9 months that we've been engaged and planning the bulk of the wedding. Right now, it's all the small stuff, like programs, menu cards, table seating, etc. that are getting under my skin. My latest venture is trying to tea-dye a bunch of Chinese frog buttons to look more ivory and closer to the color of my invitations. [sigh]

Cats are doing well and lazy as ever. They still just "tolerate" each other. Speaking of cats, our neighbors recently adopted a new, 2 year old cat from the pound---and get this: it's 25 lbs. It's ENORMOUS. Fittingly, they named him Gordy.

Going to the gym more frequently. I haven't been as dedicated as I had hoped but I'm not doing too bad. Since getting engaged, I've lost about 10 lbs. and will hopefully lose more by the big day. Even if I don't, I'm pretty proud of the new workout schedule I've kept up...definitely healthier than I was last year. I started using a personal trainer at the end of last summer...then when that finished, I convinced Sri to continue with me with this trainer and it's been a blast. We're about finished up with our sessions...and may try to continue seeing the trainer every couple weeks just to keep up the discipline. Seeing a trainer has helped me most with discipline and also with overall education on what's best for my goals. I used to be totally scared of the treadmill and now I run on it pretty frequently!

We've also been going to the symphony pretty frequently. Matt and I subscribed this year and it's one of the best entertainment investments we made for the year. We've seen some amazing performers this year such as Itzhak Perlman, Hillary Hahn and John Lill. Next week, we'll be seeing Yo-Yo Ma!

1 comment:

  1. Little Grey weighs 21 pounds. Her name is not fitting.
