Tuesday, September 19, 2006

That time of year when the seasons change.....

It's gone from sunny days in Seattle to consistent greyness and rain. And with that, the temperatures drop and my body goes "bye bye". I caught a sinus cold over the weekend and am staying home from work today (took yesterday off too). I'll hopefully be better by tomorrow as I'm missing a lot at work! Ack. Just the stress of what I need to catch up to gets to me. Of course, hanging in a pool for 2-3 hours on Saturday and Sunday learning scuba diving probably didn't help me ward off the sinus cold. I probably didn't realize I had the cold until Sunday-ish...and by Sunday evening, my body had gone to kaput.

So scuba diving's been fun. Matt and I are taking a course that takes place over 2 weekends. Next weekend, we take our final exam and then hit the cold open waters of the Puget Sound up near Mukilteo. This last weekend was intense as we spent all Friday evening and most of Saturday and Sunday in class or in the pool learning our training moves. We've learned rescue swimming, sharing regulators, putting your weight belt on in the water, removing your BC and putting it back on in the water and general buoyancy. There was a swim qualification test on Saturday which I feared doing as I really don't know much about swimming--I get by and can float. Fortunately, I passed: we had to swim 4 laps (back & forth, back & forth), then tread water for 10 minutes and finally swim underwater holding our breath for 50 feet. I'm so excited! Our goal is to head somewhere tropical for our honeymoon and go diving.

Anyhoo, time to go downstairs and take some Sudafed...

1 comment:

  1. A neti pot is great for sinus problems, with no medicinal side-effects. They sell them at the yoga place a couple blocks from you.

    - Brendan
