Friday, January 11, 2002

Happy New Year everyone. It's been awhile...mostly because I tried THREE times to update my weblog and each time, the pitas server kept crashing. I hate it when that happens. I lose all will and motivation at that point. It really sucks to take the time to write an extensive entry in your weblog..only to have it disappear into the ether.

Anyhow, here's a quick recap of new year's:

* hung out in Sunriver, OR to go snowboarding at Mt. Bachelor

* gorgeous gorgeous drive down...oregon is beautiful

* chris and nissa are...interesting

* party party at club 97 in bend, oregon. wahoo!

* super thanks to ben, rachel, phoebe, ray, jed, chrystya, steve and kevin for fantastic company and new friendships

* yummy food from steve

* kudos to ben and kevin for taking me through trees and a black diamond for my first time

after coming back, went to a sonics v. 76ers game at key arena...thomas's brother, wayne, was in town and treated us to courtside seats which were sooo sweet. saw payton, iverson, mutombo..all within a few feet away from me. the reporters from the philadelphia newspapers sat in front of us...interesting to see what kind notes they were jotting. the woman from the inquirer was (correctly) predicting a 76ers win in the 2nd quarter..ouch.

i've decided to take 2 dance classes: Salsa again (but with Thomas) and a Middle Eastern Belly Dance class offered at the u-dub experimental college. so psyched.

went to whistler this last weekend with jon, chris, eliza, matt, tim and justin...had a blast. i definitely feel like i'm starting to improve on my snowboarding...i just need to let go and not get all freaky everytime i go too fast. i had a bad time coming back, getting back to the U.S. somehow, i lost my passport...don't know what happened to it. i may've lost it somewhere during my apartment move. anyhow, so i risked it knowing that some friends of mine had no problems with just a drivers license over the past few months; however, we got pulled over and had to talk to this prick who had nothing better to do but to harrass me. he said the phrase "shoot you down" at least 3-4 times, which was completely unnecessary. But this was the worst thing he said:

Him: "What is your place of birth?"

Me: "New Jersey...Princeton."

Him: "See, without your passport, I don't know who you are still. You say you were born in New Jersey but you look Chinese to me."

AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I really had to restrain myself from yelling at him for being an ignorant a**hole. I don't know if it helped that I happened to be driving with 2 very American looking guys....probably so. Oh, my blood was boiling.

came home and found my car broken into again. ugh. fortunately, nothing was taken as i've learned not to keep anything valuable in there anymore.

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